Friday, February 17, 2012

Rest In Peace

Reed Roholt and his Sister in Law, Colleen Strand Hansen at the gravesite
My Cousin Colleen just sent these photos of Ellen's funeral.  It was held on a cold, blustery, January day in Southern Utah. 

You can tell by all the flowers how well-regarded Ellen was.  It all looked just beautiful.
Tante Aase is now 90 years old.  I just can't believe it.  She is so spry and sharp and beautiful as ever.  It can't be easy to bury a child, no matter what the circumstances. 
My Aunt Aase Strand, Ellen's mother

The Family
My cousin Colleen writes:
From left to right: My daughter Brooke,my husband Steve,then my daughter Stefanie, Me, my daughter Amanda, Tante Aase, behind her is my son, Kyle and next to him is his wife Adrienne. Ellen's grandson Ren and his wife are next, then another grandson, Trevor holding his little boy and in the yellow coat is his wife, holding their other little boy. Next to her is another grandson, Kaden (all three grandsons are from Shane, Ellen's son). Next to Kaden is Jeanette, Ellen's new daughter-in-law who is married to Shane who is next to her. Next to Shane is Ellen's husband Reed. Down in front of Reed is Shawna, my sister Inger's daughter. Next to Shawna is Jane's daughter Sabrina with her little boy, Jax standing in front of her.In the back, behind Sabrina is her brother Jake.Then the last couple on the right is Ellen's granddaughter Kiri (with husband) holding Ellen's great-granddaughter. sorry, I can't remember the baby's name.

Whew! That's a big group!
I believe it's a psalmist who wrote something like, "Children are an inheritance from the Lord.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."  My Uncle Knut would have loved to have been a part of this growing, beautiful, family.  I'm sure he's watching over them now, with his daughter Ellen.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Southern Utah. I'm Kodi Roholt Schoppmann. I am Ellen's daughter. I just found this blog, and was so happy to read more about my grandfather's side of the family. Thank you so much for putting this all together. And thank you for your kind words about my mother. She will indeed be sorely missed.
    The photo of the family is missing me, as I went home right before the picture was taken. The couple at the very end is my daughter Kiri Mitchell, her husband Jason Mitchell, and my grand daughter (Ellen's great-granddaugher) Karalee Ellen Mitchell.
